The Lowell Repeater Alliance uses a Motorola Quantar as its repeater. It is an ‘Open’ repeater for those that use it properly. Violators will be asked to not use it. We use it to promote our hobby and to serve as a good means of communications during an emergency. In addition, and very important, we want it to provide enjoyment for its users.
Language must be polite. Be courteous and friendly. Make everyone feel ‘at home’. Absolutely no obscene or indecent words or phrases. Politics and religion are not to be discussed. Phonetics, especially callsigns, is encouraged. Common sense and good amateur radio practice are the guidelines that we adhere to.
The repeater is an uncoordinated repeater using the following frequencies: 147.370 on the ‘Receive’. 147.970 on the ‘Transmit’ which is a ‘Plus’ (+) 600 kHz ‘Offset’. The ‘Input’ PL (CTCSS) tone is 162.2 Hz. No tone on the ‘Output’ BOTH ADULTS AND STUDENTS SHOULD FEEL FREE TO USE THIS REPEATER.
Have fun and enjoy the ‘Machine’.